About Us

EmailGirls.com is an exclusive online community for singles looking to connect with like-minded individuals. With our platform, registered and approved members can access online profiles of singles and engage in private messaging through email. It’s a secure space where members can establish connections based on mutual interest and consent.

In addition to facilitating direct communication, EmailGirls.com also serves as a gateway to discover the social media presence of our members. You can explore their profiles on popular platforms like Facebook and Instagram, adding another dimension to your interactions. Whether you’re seeking friendship, dating, job opportunities, or simply getting to know someone, our website provides a rebranded portal for beautiful women to showcase their online profiles.

If you’re a single person aged 18 or above with a warm heart, we invite you to join our vibrant community at EmailGirls.com. We believe that nice individuals who are open to meeting new people should have the opportunity to share their warm-hearted spirit with the world. Let’s connect online and allow others to admire, meet, and get to know the wonderful person you are.

To ensure the authenticity of our members, EmailGirls.com only accepts verified profiles. To become a verified member, you’ll need to submit a short video where you discuss your decision to join EmailGirls.com. This video should clearly match the profile image you’ve submitted. Unverified members will be classified as “Discovered” until their verification process is complete.

Membership at EmailGirls.com comes with various benefits. Female members can join for free, while guys can subscribe for a monthly fee of $1.69. As a subscribed member, you gain the following advantages:

You can request to communicate with a verified Email Girl of your choice. However, this communication is limited to our in-house messaging system and does not include video chat capabilities. If desired, you can also connect with Email Girls on other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp, depending on their preferences and availability.

During your subscription period, you have the option to change your selected verified Email Girl up to three times per month. We accept various payment methods, including Visa or similar credit cards via Stripe, PayPal, or Zelle.

Please note that Email Girls with a “Discovered” badge on their profiles are not eligible for communication and cannot be selected directly. However, we may reach out to these discovered Email Girls and offer them the opportunity to participate in our online communication program with guys on EmailGirls.com. If a discovered Email Girl agrees to join the program, she will be reclassified as a verified Email Girl and automatically added to the EmailGirls.com Online Profile Monthly Competition.

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